Selection of translators
We devote a lot of effort and resources to selecting the best translators, and as such have introduced the ‘WordRise Translator Selection Standard’ which helps us to select the best and most professional translators. The most important matters for us, in addition to the translator's language skills, are relevant education, practical work experience, excellent computer skills, in-depth knowledge of a certain subject area and the fact that the translator resides in a country where the target language is spoken.

Out of all the potential translators in the industry, we select those whose education, experience and skills in using specialised software comply with our requirements. Translators who comply with these requirements are asked to complete a test translation.

Test translations are evaluated by experienced and assessed experts (two to three experts as standard) using a ten-point system and assigning marks for language style, correspondence to the source text, grammatical accuracy and the use of appropriate terminology.

Translators who receive a very good or excellent test translation evaluation are interviewed in order to find out more about their strengths, skills in using specialised software, working hours and other factors essential for working on translation projects.

If the translator passes the selection process, they are included in the database in our XTRF project management system with the note ‘New translator’ which means that our project managers and editors will pay extra attention to the quality of the translator's work and their compliance with deadlines.
Please note that any translators who do not pay sufficient attention or work to a high enough standard, who do not follow customers’ instructions or who miss translation project deadlines are excluded from our translator database.